
a tree lined path leads to iconic Young Building on the Landsdowne campus

Climate solutions guide

Be part of the solution!

If news and events related to the global climate crisis have you feeling anxious and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Eco-anxiety and climate despair are real. But there’s also hope!

Camosun Library’sguide focuses on stories and suggestions for creating positive, meaningful change. Compiled with input from the 91AV Climate Coalition (C4), these resources are intended to inspire individual and collective action – at home, at work, at school, and in your community.

There is no single solution to the complex problems created by climate change, but whether it’s taking small steps to reduce your own carbon footprint, or rallying together to influence policy changes, we hope you will read, watch, listen… and then ACT!

If you have suggestions for the guide, please emaillibrary@camosun.ca

For more information about C4, contact Ian Browning (browning@camosun.ca)

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