
Update for January 2022

Latest Update: Dec. 30, 2021

From the College Executive Team

Throughout the holiday break, the College Executive Team has been monitoring the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation.

In conversation with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, and the Provincial Health Officer, colleges in British Columbia are now moving the start date for the majority of their programs to Jan. 10. The decision will have minimal impact on Camosun as most of our classes and programs are already scheduled to begin on Jan. 10. Time sensitive programs including clinical or other experiential components, apprenticeships and practicums will begin on Jan. 4 with appropriate safety protocols in place.

All other campus operations and services will continue as scheduled. Individual departments can provide some flexibility and support, including the ability to work-from-home, for employees so long as their department remains open. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by departmental Directors and Deans. Students will be able to access campus services and supports, starting on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

Colleges are using the first week of January to reinforce current safety protocols and implement any additional measures if needed.

Please be assured our campuses are safe. According to the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, post-secondary settings remain low risk for the transmission of COVID-19. The Provincial Health Officer recently wrote a letter to college and university presidents indicating that transmission in structured, educational settings on campus is uncommon.

To continue to provide a safe campus environment, there are several steps we can all take:

  1. Follow Public Health Orders including limiting social activity and following the proper mask-wearing protocols.
  2. Everyone who is eligible is strongly encouraged to get fully immunized against COVID-19.
  3. Please remember to be kind, patient and respectful to each other as we face this together.

These are stressful times. Support is available for employees and students. Reach out if you need help.

Camosun continues to monitor the rapidly changing pandemic including the new Omicron variant and should direction change, the college will take whatever steps are necessary to keep the community safe. Students, faculty and staff at Camosun have sacrificed a lot and should be commended for continuing to observe public health guidelines.

Contact information

Rodney Porter

Executive Director, Communications and Marketing


