
Secure a Placement

Secure a Placement

1) Access and actively use the online .

  • Email your program’s Employment Assistant at the beginning of the term preceding your desired work term. For example, if you would like to complete a Summer work term you would need to email the co-op office at the start of the Winter term.
  • Upon fulfilling the admission requirements and accepting the Co-op Terms and Conditions on the Co-op Dashboard on the , you'll be gaining access to the co-op job posting board where you'll find co-op and internship positions in local and national industries.
  • If you are planning on completing multiple co-ops, you will need to complete this process each time.

2) Consult with your Employment Facilitator or Co-op and Internship coordinator for guidance on self-developing a position or to convert an existing position to a credited work term.

  • Student developed positions may be eligible for work term credit and you are encouraged to self-develop work term positions.

3) Once you have secured a position, make sure to let your Employment Facilitator know immediately and verify your registration status.

4) Earn academic credit while you work!