
91AV is CLOSED, Feb. 4, 2025

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:30am — Camosun’s campuses are CLOSED on Feb. 4 due to heavy snowfall and challenging road conditions being reported throughout the region. All classes and services will be closed for the day.

Students and employees are encouraged to stay warm, keep safe and avoid travel if possible.

Please check the college website (camosun.ca) or follow the college on social media for the latest information:

• Facebook: facebook.com/CamosunCollege/
• Instagram: instagram.com/camosun/
• X (Twitter): x.com/camosun

Visit the college website for a more in-depth overview of campus closure protocols in the event of adverse weather.

Applied Learning Reading, Resources and References

This guide was developed in consultation with the following resources.

Civil Engineering students on field trip to Sooke water resevoir.

Additional reading and resources


This guide was developed in consultation with the following resources:

Association for Co-operative Education, BC/Yukon. (2017)..

Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). .󲹲Բ,(6), 12.

Brendtro, L. K., Brokenleg, M., & Van Bockern, S. (2002)..Bloomington, Ind.: Solution Tree.

91AV. (2012). Leadingpractices in curriculum: Principles and standards for leading educational practices in curriculum at 91AV.

91AV. (2023). Strategic plan2023-2028.

91AV. (2017).Experiential learning literature reviewCamosun Library.

91AV. (2017).Social innovation in higher education: A preliminary review of the researchCamosun Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

Fullan, M., Langworthy, M., & Barber, M. (2014).A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learningToronto, Ontario: MaRS Discovery District.

Grant, M. (2016).Aligning skill development to labour market need.Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada.

Harrison, A. (2017)Skills, Competencies and Credentials. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.

Johnson, K. A., Grazulis, J., & White, J. K. (2014). .Critical Questions In Education, 5(3), 233-241.

Kenny, N., Berensen, C., Chick, N., Johnson, C., Keegan, F., Read, E., et al. (2017). presented at the international society for the scholarship of teaching and learning (ISSOTL) conference.

Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education.Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4(2), 193-212.

Kolb, D. A. (2014).Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: FT Press.

Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991).Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

National Society for Experiential Education (2013). .

Reason, R. D. (2003). Student variables that predict retention: Recent research and new developments.NASPA Journal, 40(4), 172-191. doi:10.2202/1949-6605.1286

Rethinking higher education curricula: Increasing impact through experiential, work-integrated, and community-engaged learning.(2017). Toronto: University of Toronto.

Seaman, J., Brown, M., & Quay, J. (2017). .Journal of Experiential Education, 40(4), NP1.

Stanchfield, J. (December 2013). .

Stirling, A., Kerr, G., MacPherson, E., Banwell, J., Bandealy, A., & Battaglia, A. (2017). .Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47(1), 27-48.

Waddell, J. (2015).(SSHRC knowledge synthesis grant: new ways of learning final report).

Williams, L., & Tanaka, M. (2007). . Educational Insights, 11(3), 1.