Featured awards
Camosun Foundation Bursary
The "One-step application" allows students to apply for over 300 individual b
W̱SÁNEĆ School Board Award
This award is available to all WSÁNEC community members enrolled full-time at 91AV and is living on one of the WSÁNEC Bands (Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum or Pauquachin).
Youth Futures Education Fund
The Youth Futures Education Fund has been established to provide a grant to recipients of the Former Youth in Care Provincial Tuition Waiver, to assist with supplemental educational funding for expenses such as books, housing, utilities, or emergency situations.
Youth Futures Education Fund
Yvonne Thompson-Page Co-op Student of the Year Award
This award is for an outstanding co-operative education and internship student at 91AV.
Zonta Club of Victoria Indigenous Woman Award
Empowering Women through Education, will be presented to an Indigenous Woman learner in any program at 91AV who is an advocate for women's rights and has a passion for learning.
Adult Upgrading Grant
If you're attending Camosun in one of the School of Access programs you may be eligible to have your tuition, deposit and fees paid.